
Tell Me A Story

Created by Michael Lewis

A family-friendly, narrative game where you tell stories together using a deck of cards.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

TL;DR Funds received, order placed, survey's outgoing
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 06, 2022 at 01:03:44 PM

Hello everyone! Apologies for the longer than expected silence, but Kickstarter waits a minimum of 2 weeks after the campaign wraps up before it releases the funds to the creator, so as to address any backer payment issues. 

The funds were finally issued the morning of Friday, December 2nd....

Right in the middle of Pax Unplugged....

Good news, though, I still got the order placed that same evening. Once Print Ninja gives me a shipping commitment date, I will pass that along. 

Regarding the surveys, those have started going out via Backerkit. You should receive yours within the next 1-4 days. If you have not, please let me know and I will dig into that. 

Among other news, the Pre-Order page is up. If anyone you know wants to support the game, but missed the Funding window from Kickstarter, I've setup a store page that can be accessed here: 

And because I like including a picture in each update, here is a photo from Pax Unplugged of the designer and artist finally meeting in real life:

Artist and Designer posing for a picture
Amber Seeger and Michael Lewis

The mask conceals the stupid grin on my face, but I can't overstate how happy this made me! 😁

It's DONE! Thank you all so much for being a part of our story!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 02:03:44 PM

Well, the campaign is done. Next comes the fulfillment operation! 

WOOOOOO!!!! Operations and logistics are AWESOME!!!! All hail the spreadsheet!!!!

Sorry, the campaign adrenaline is still flowing. It'll settle down soon. 

We're using Backerkit, which many of you are familiar with. For those who are not, it's a tool for the organization of payments, addresses, and pledge options to ensure everyone gets what they asked for. In the next few days, you should expect a survey from them.  

Kickstarter will spend the next few days processing everyone's payments, addressing any issues, and then will transfer the money to us. As soon as that happens, we'll kick off the order with the manufacturer to get things moving, to get everyone their decks as quickly as possible. 

For the PDF versions, we are planning to have that available in December, well ahead of Christmas. 

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. But first! Sleep Zzzzzzzz

Sleeping cat
This is Ollie. He covers the sleep part of the day for everyone.

Stretch goal met!!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 08:26:17 AM

Hey everyone! Great news! We've managed to hit our first stretch goal. 

When we started getting close, I took the liberty of kicking off that effort, and I'm happy to say that the project has borne fruit. So, for those who are curious, here is the box art!

box art

There are still 59 hours left to go in the campaign, but this project has already succeeded more than I could have hoped. That is all thanks to you, so thank you!!!

We're funded!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 01, 2022 at 01:21:07 PM

Hey everybody! We've met the funding goal, with 2 weeks left to go! I wanted to take a moment and thank you all of you for your support. It means so much!

There are still some stretch goals, but many kickstarters don't get this far, and I have you to thank for that. 

As a way of saying thank you, I wanted to you show you my favorite piece of art from the game development process. Here it is:

Wormhole concept.

This is an early version of the wormhole. At first glance, it looks like a dark background with a circle drawn on it. But, zoom in, and you start to see the crazy detail going on. It looks like a cross between an eclipse the event horizon of a black hole!

Then, you apply some interesting filters and you start to get something truly Sci-Fi!

Wormhole revised

The final version for the card game is a bit more subdued to better fit with the general aesthetic, but these drafts I've held on to, just for my own enjoyment. 

That's all from me for now. I'll send out an update if we hit a stretch goal, or as the campaign is wrapping up. But, if you have any questions, please reach out. 


One week in, very exciting!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 11:14:27 PM

Hey everyone! One of my goals is to not spam the people who have been kind enough to back this effort. We are now one week in and already past a third of the funding goal, which is tremendously exciting! 

As a way of saying thank you, here is a picture:

Classic design

This is one of the earliest incarnations of the card design. It was all done in powerpoint, using Microsoft office icons and random things I could find off "free" icon websites. The original rules actually had a scoring system, and you tried to get rid of the cards in your hand, instead of drawing and playing until three stories were done. For comparison, here is the same card after getting it thrashed by some serious playtesting, as well as a user design experience review:

So much better

This time, the icons are original, the color scheme is more consistent, and there's more graphical pop to it all! I'm really happy with the work performed by Amber Seeger. You can see more of her work at:

HELLO | rocketorca design

I'll leave it there for now. 
